Wednesday, October 5, 2011

sequence photo's shoots...

.....Happy Birthday Dewe'....

-please enjoy-

Jakarta, October 6th, 2011

Sunday, July 18, 2010

i'm not in the mood

not in the mood to share something new from me....
but maybe,,, this lyrics can explain what I felt for what happened in my "campursari" weekend.... :D
just enjoy....

ku tak melihat kau membawa terang
yang kau janjikan
kau bawa bara berserak di halaman
hingga kekeringan

oh dimana terang yang kau janjikan
aku kesepian
dimana tenang yang kau janjikan
aku kesepian
dimana menang yang kau janjikan
aku kesepian

ku tak melihat kau membawa tenang
yang kau janjikan
kau bawa debu bertebar di beranda
berair mata

Kunjungi web:

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

warming up blogging! :D

hello folks!
it's me again after 1 year of sabbatical from blog world...

just a quick story which i summarize from 1 year blogging sabbatical.. :D
  1. finally,, I graduated from "Kampus Gadjah" in july 2009
  2. my daily activities rite now is to calculate and design M/E equipment in commercial building, either it's high rise building (office, apartment, etc) or low rise building (mall, factory, etc)
  3. now I'm entering my 3rd years of single status.. (ahaaay,,, poor me) :)))
well,, I think it's quite enough for tonight quick blog.... I hope i could tell you more, but I can't fight the will of my sleepy head to meet it destiny (read: soft,,warm pillow) hahaha

sayonara,, adios,, permios... ;))

*to a girl I admired lately, I wish you could read my sign.. Isn't it quite obvious that I attracted to you, is it??*
(curhat dikit gpp lah yaa,, blog gw ini...wkwkwk)

Monday, March 23, 2009

nothing to do,,,

hari ini gw nobatkan menjadi hari termalas sedunia!!
mau tau kenapaa?? ni sebabnya...
  1. pagi buta udah kebangun gara2 mimpi basaah,,, (oupppss ennyaaak.... hehehe)
  2. trus,, lanjut langsung mandi wajib di pagi yg dingin.... (brrr,,,,)
  3. n then,,, jam 7 kurang dikit,, langsung meluncur ke kampus gadjah buat kuliah laser dan serat optik yang cuma berlangsung 1 (SATU) JAM sahajaa..... *huaaaaa,,,,ngantuk paraaaaahh........ mana ada yang nitip absen pulak,,, takut ketauan... huhuhu,, maap prof... :D
  4. ga bisa pulang dan tidur di kost-an gara2 harus ngasistenin yg praktikum,,,, (d'oh!)
thanks God,,,
ni hari rada terselamatkan setelah masuk rileks dan nemu lagu nya si cantik sara bareilles sama si fenomenal hijau daun...

welcome - welkom - bienvenue - selamat datang

welcome to my first blog i've ever made in this site.....

there's (still) not much things here,,,,
but i can guarantee,, when the time to tell has come,,
i'll talk a lot about everything that happened to my life and my circumstances...

so,, don't hesitate to visits my blog!
just enjoy... :D