Wednesday, July 7, 2010

warming up blogging! :D

hello folks!
it's me again after 1 year of sabbatical from blog world...

just a quick story which i summarize from 1 year blogging sabbatical.. :D
  1. finally,, I graduated from "Kampus Gadjah" in july 2009
  2. my daily activities rite now is to calculate and design M/E equipment in commercial building, either it's high rise building (office, apartment, etc) or low rise building (mall, factory, etc)
  3. now I'm entering my 3rd years of single status.. (ahaaay,,, poor me) :)))
well,, I think it's quite enough for tonight quick blog.... I hope i could tell you more, but I can't fight the will of my sleepy head to meet it destiny (read: soft,,warm pillow) hahaha

sayonara,, adios,, permios... ;))

*to a girl I admired lately, I wish you could read my sign.. Isn't it quite obvious that I attracted to you, is it??*
(curhat dikit gpp lah yaa,, blog gw ini...wkwkwk)


ratiehebat said...

ahahaha... curcoooool!

Ardiandy Pradiptya Suryadi said...

iihh,, jadi malu ketauan sama nyonya andre....

ratiiiihhh,,, andreeeeee aku kangen sama kaliaaan....
jalan2 yuuuks!! :D